
people whose existence is disputed معنى

  • أشخاص مختلف على وجودهم
  • people    n. جماعة من الناس, ...
  • whose    pron. لمن, الذي, ا ...
  • existence    n. كيان, كينونة, ت ...
  • is    مختصر الباحَةُ الو ...
  • disputed    adj. متخاصم

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. people who died on hunger strike معنى
  2. people who memorized the quran معنى
  3. people who rescued jews during the holocaust معنى
  4. people who were court-martialed معنى
  5. people who work with children معنى
  6. people with acquired american citizenship معنى
  7. people with acquired citizenship معنى
  8. people with acromegaly معنى
  9. people with alzheimer's disease معنى
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